Bombarded by the Senses

In our ever-more-electronically-connected world, we are incessantly bombarded with new information, status updates and breaking news.  All of these devices, which allow us to be more ‘connected’ with others, also have the not-so-desired effect of weakening our ability to focus our attention on ourselves, the tasks at hand, the people directly around us, or pretty much anything.  That’s the thesis of Daniel Goleman’s article in HBR this month entitled The Focused Leader (see the link below, which should take you to the article, after a short prompt to login to the UofR library webpage).

As leaders, similar to what George mentions in True North, if we cannot take the time to focus our attention on understanding ourselves – our emotions, our core values, etc. – how can we expect to be able to lead others?  Goleman’s article references a study which shows that self-control is a “far greater predictor of financial success than IQ, social class or family circumstance.” From my perspective, that’s great news as we should be able to influence our levels of self-control through education and self-awareness, whereas the more traditional (and less accurate) predictors of success are mostly outside of our control.

I’m going to challenge myself this week (and I hope you do as well), to take 15 minutes each day, most likely on the ride into work, to disconnect from the mobile world, turn off the distractions of sound, and just focus on one thing.  Maybe it will be on where I want to be in five years, or how I can overcome my challenge at work, or how I can become a better father or husband.  I believe it will be time well-spent.

One thought on “Bombarded by the Senses

  1. This was a timely blog post as I read it this morning….With the demands at work and then wanting to spend as much time as possible with my family, it’s rare that I have time for myself. Somebody sent the attached article this week about what successful people do before 8am:

    The fourth Top thing successful people do before 8am is visualization – taking time to visualize the day you have ahead of you and what you are going to do to be successful. That’s similar to what this HBR article is talking about. Taking time to focus on yourself will, in turn enable you to be a better leader both in your personal and professional life. I appreciate John’s challenge and am going to challenge myself with the same!

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